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Reykjavik, 105, Iceland
🔹 Business, Strategy, Marketing, Psychoanalysis🔹 25 years of Driving Deep Level Connections🌟


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🚀 Build a Brand That Stands the Test of Time with a Strategy Rooted in Depth & Meaning

Every business challenge is unique—there are no cookie-cutter solutions. My approach as a marketing consultant & brand strategist is bu...

20 июля 2020 г.

My vision board for first half of 2020

Hello, guys! Today I`ve decided to share with you my vision board for 2020. 

My vision board is an important part of my life, it helps me, gives me answers and directs me to straight forward actions, it is more like a prophet, metaphorical cards and subconscious way to know myself and see reality better. I keep watching it every day. And it works. 

I chose to build not as cars-houses ways to dream of. Actually, I consider this to be more as means to know what kind of sensations, feelings, and emotions I am willing to achieve and be part of in the future. 

Here you can spot some of my values, beliefs, and strategies in different aspects of my life. Some directions to mention - what kind of personality I want to be is in the center area, work and career-business related messages to myself who am I here is. it`s actually right bottom and top center/ health is middle left/family - top right section/sacral and spiritual development is left bottom. 

Let's start left top big virtual hands that are here are meaning to me “co-creating life”. This is where I try to give as a value of life to anything I touch at work. I am willing to create something which would be a sacral important embodiment of “big whys”. These hands show me that I am working a purpose, to bring life to reality, to embody something important, creating order instead of chaos. Light the fire, give meaning, and step up to my mission. The same it works for some artificial intelligence as well and I would prefer to create life, to fire up human in virtual reality. It generally describes my willingness to CREATE and to bring LIFE. 

There are some planes as a metaphor to fast and easiest ways to achieve goals. I think I am a productive high performer. I see myself as a plane aiming high. Where the sky is the limit. 

Under planes left center you can see a floating BIG huge whale - it is my purpose which directs me under my boat, it brings me wherever I want. It shows the power of the subconscious will I`ve got. 

The whale is part of the other important part of this vision puzzle - it says “virtuoso body language”. Health is self-determination to bring flexibility and strength in whatever form you are in. I strive to possess the best things my body can do and it delivers me a lot of new opportunities. And the biggest part is to listen to it carefully and give it what it needs, massage, therapy, care. 

 Bottom left is my sacral zone where you can read two parts of me - my men and female spirit working together as a team, each image has the same ambiance like sea and a big yacht (life metaphor in general). They are a great couple and all in one is a champion on the boat, a winner! :) 

The center part of my visual board sounds like - ODE TO HAPPINESS - GAUDEAMUS IGITUR - is my top of the mind word proclaiming me as a lifetime learner, I am a happy student here on Earth. So I learn each!!! day and I am happy and I strive for knowledge.  

My Mona Lisa in the bottom center has a new street-art vision as an Anonymous revolution I support and she is my beloved symbol of eternal neverending creations making it available to anyone. I am a huge fan of things which were “rich only” and now it is basic human rights. I`d like to be the one to change the system and bring something to every person who can use it - technology or products. It says TENDER FORCE. I believe art is a medicine for society and I support it.  

There`s another archetypical picture I suggest to look into if you want to get to know me better - Demetra's golden face. I think I am this God's archetype so that is where I get my links alive with my feminine beginning. 

Quantum jump from reality to the new level that is what I expect myself to transcend with. Next to the quantum jump pics, you could see my future proud team members who announce SYNERGY OF EMOTIONS in the core of their process. 

The other notion about teamwork I wrap up with words TAKE THE CHALLENGE and OKUDEN. Okuden is a Japanese word meaning 'inner teachings'. As the word implies a deeper understanding and connection - I think the team has a lot to do with jumping into a deep level of soft skills at work. You can not scale it, it is something people feel and raise up or die trying. It`s a business phenomenon where you get energy in the right direction and aim to play among the treetops. 

By the way the last idea I want to share is why I put 3 greek graces on my visual board - them are charm, beauty, and creativity. This is true my self at work I want to share to the world without any shame. Yes, thats all about my vision of myself who am I. And the greatest message I would never delete from my desk 0 I appreciate everything that happens to me.  

How do I translate this into real goals these ideas and values? 
I ask myself every day where I am to represent what I see. I write down my goals in a very short and easy manner every half a year. One I would like you to know sounds like In 10 years I become a global level marketing leader in building trust and reputation. I keep these short words as my vision and repeat it every day to myself. And  #myhalfwaythere steps are almost done, I have a plan how to execute the next steps available at the moment. I do look for open-minded people to start my teamwork based on a great positive vision and shared dreams. This what I saw in you and I was very happy to present to you my vision. 

Offline and online metrics: How to measure in direct and email marketing

How to improve your customers' tracking in a combined direct and email marketing strategy?

Of course, during our new COVID-shaped reality we marketers have started to search what works and what doesn’t to make our print and digital advertising work together even better. We know it's not enough to attract the target audience, you have to be able to close sales and retain those customers.

Further, shortly, I walk you through the whole process of customer tracking via offline and online combined together.

The tracking system helps you analyze your audience preferences and deliver product value in a data-driven approach. So use offline conversions tracking. Sometimes, an ad doesn't start directly from an online offer sent by email, but instead begins with a customer down a path that ultimately started with a sale in the offline world, such as your office or home delivery thank you letter.

Offline Conversions automate customer success and get how much of it can be attributed to your digital offers. You can measure the offline return on offers reaching people by their offline actions collecting CSV-file and visualizing their actions on the map and sending them digital ads on Facebook or Google Ads for example.

How to match offline and online metrics?


By tracking the coupons, we can easily see how many online (or offline) sales were made using a given coupon code and tie the conversions to a given marketing channel.

Loyalty Cards

Loyalty cards are an even more powerful tool in the hands of marketers, as they tie together all the offline and online sales of a single customer. However, their use is limited to an existing customer base.

Postal codes

Marketers can track the delivery postal code and find associated transactions, we can use this data in various ways to measure the effectiveness of:

  1. Direct-mail campaigns or leaflet distribution in a given postal code area,
  2. Display and PPC online campaigns targeted at a given postal code.

Call tracking

If you are directing offline campaigns to your website that provides an answer to the offline lead generation. With this approach, you can measure the effectiveness of other campaigns while bringing the analytics of your marketing activities — all your marketing activities, online and offline — under one powerful umbrella.

In fact, if you`re scaling relationships between online and offline conversions we could serve your goals best. Utilizing ML and AI power takes your direct and email marketing strategy to new heights.


Combine your expertise with our huge direct mail library to get a data-driven approach to a rapidly disseminating offline-online channels match.

Start building the long-term marketing strategy shifting customer tracking in online and offline conversions.

16 июля 2020 г.

Утренняя рутина "уметь слушать"

Начинаю всегда день с того, что делаю что-то для своего маркетинга: участвую в группах предпринимателей, которым нужен совет, продумываю и применяю новые подходы к клиентам, углубляюсь в знаниях как использовать мои любимые инструменты для создания маркетинг-стратегий.
На этом этапе у меня идет развитие планомерного процесса работы с клиентом. И тут не подход "я профессионал", а ты "слушай сюда", а глубокое понимание синтеза знаний клиента и твоих, которые дают максимально индивидуальный подход к созданию маркетинга.
Пока деталей не буду раскрывать, но я чувствую, что расту как консультант, останется еще научиться делегировать.
И очень надеюсь, что меня ждут новые интересные дороги в развитии моего маленького личного бизнеса, в то время как я расту в процессах, создавая их совместно с клиентами.